This is to inform all Stakeholders in the University of Cross River State that despite several reminders on the need for students of the University to pay their school fees, up to 80% of Students in the Institution are yet to do so. Management assumes that the failure of students who are owing the University to pay their fees is not deliberate. To give this category of students the last chance to pay up their fees, Management has taken the following decisions:
1. Second Semester 2022/23 Examinations which was hitherto scheduled to hold from Monday 28 August 2023 in line with the Academic Calendar, will now commence on Monday 4th September, 2023.
2. From available records, as indicated in the attached list, only 15% of students have paid their complete fees and therefore eligible to write the Second Semester examinations.
3. All Students of the University should visit their Faculty Finance Officers to ascertain their fee payment status and their eligibility to write the examinations.
4. Students should remember that the "NO FEE, NO EXMINATION Policy of the University is still in force.
5. Management will not entertain any excuses from fee defaulters as they have been given several reminders on the subject
6. Management sincerely looks forward to quick response by all concerned to facilitate the conduct of hitch-free examinations