Upon resumption of academic activities, all newly admitted of University of Calabar (UNICAL) will be required to undergo a physical clearance to validate their admission into the school.
Below are the documents you will be required to provide and other information you need to know concerning the Clearance exercise.
- Admission List/Unical Statement Of Admissions: UNICAL Statement Admissions usually carries; Admission Type, Admission Mode, Sex, Course, Faculty, Session. Etc), go to a cafe and check your admission status on Unical portal and if admitted ask them to print out that page that shows your details of admission offered for you.
N.B: A pin is required to check the above admission list and is the same pin you used in checking your screening score. If you'av misplace yours, you are required to get a new one before you'd be able to check your admission status on Unical portal.
- Admission Notification: This one is different from Statement Admissions. to get this one, you have to log into UNICAL student portal whenever you are offered admissions on UNICAL portal not JAMB portal, once you enter that portal with the approve registration number you'd be required to verify your account after verifying your account, the portal would ask you if you want to generate or print your Notification Slip, just generate and print it out.
N.B: The above service has not started as UNICAL is yet to upload names of successful prospective candidates on her portal for creations of student's account and school fees payment purposes.
- Certificate Of Birth: if you don't have a Birth Certificate, you can use your Baptismal Certificate/Card or you go to a nearby court and get an affidavit for age decleration.
- Jamb Admission Letter: in this one, you will pay a sum of N1,000 only through ATM or Bank Service to print out your Jamb Admission Letter from JAMB website.
N.B: The above service is currently ongoing, you are advised to go get yours now if you have been admitted because it shows the overall authenticity of your admissions.
- Jamb Result Slip: you can use ordinary print out or the one that has your passport on it.
- Letter Of Attestation: this letter will be coming from your parents, any family members, your traditional ruler, your pastor or rev'd or anyone that knows you well. The letter would be addressed to the registrar of UNICAL saying that you have good qualities and a good citizen and many more lies/truth.
N.B: Unical requires TWO of the above letter.
- L.G.A Identification Letter: Letter from your L.G.A showing that you are a true son/daughter of a particular place.
N.B: You can get it from your L.G.A heardquarters.
- Ordinary Level Result: In this one, you can present or use ordinary print out during your clearance.
N.B: you can also combine your NECO and WAEC/GCE during your clearance.
- Passport Photograph: This one, you are required to bring a clear passport of yourself.
N.B: Unical requires TWO of the above documents.
- Student's Profile: In this one, once you gain admission and successful creations of your student account on Unical portal, log into your student portal, supply the information that would be needed and print that page out.
N.B: the above service is yet to start.
- Unical Jack file: The same file you used during your screening exercise, you'd need it for clearance. Its being sold @ the school main gate endeavor to buy it.
N.B You'd need THREE of the above file, endeavor to buy 3 of it.
- Unical Screening Registration Slip: This is that acknowledgement slip you printed out that day you bought and proceesed UNICAL Screening Form.
- Unical Screening Result: the one that contains your screening score. If you have misplaced yours, just go to a cafe open UNICAL portal and put your Jamb registration number and your Screening result checking pin to print it out.
N.B: If you have misplaced your screening result checking pin, you are required to get a new one as it'd be used in both checking of screening result and Admission Status on Unical portal.
Your faculty will provide the arrangement order for you. Also, to safe your time against lectures, duplicate these documenrs into THREE places, buy THREE Unical jack files and attach each of them.
Finally, other necessary documents like 'Letter Of Undertaking' etc. Will be provided to you after the submission of first file.
To save your money, just come with the Original documents, there are so many people that will be there to photocopy them for you at cheaper price and if you are missing any of these documents, you can also print them online in school.
After you have been cleared, that is when you are now given a UNICAL Registration Number!!!