Please refer to our memo ref UC/REG/CIR/64 dated 18th December, 2020 granting approval for members of the University of Calabar community to proceed on Christmas holiday and resume work on December 4, 2021.
Recall also, the Federal Government's directive as conveyed in NUC circular ref NUC/ES/138/vOL63/151 of 23rd December, 2020.
In total compliance with these directives under reference, the Vice-Chancellor has granted approval for all staff on CONTISS 11 and below to continue their Christmas holiday until the expiration of the five (5) weeks Federal Government stay-at -home order. Staff on CONTISS 12 and above are however, to resume duty on 4th January 2021 as earlier announced.
The directive for staff on CCONTISS 1l and below to stay at home is part of the measures being put in place to curb the rising wave of Covid-19 pandemic in the country.
By copy of this memo therefore, only Staff on CONTISS 12 and above are expected to resume work, and must strictly observe all Covid-19 precautionary measures while in their places of work.
Staff on essential duties, especially those in Health services and Security Units, are to continue performing their official schedules during this period.
On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, I welcome members of the University community, heartily into the New Year and wish all, a very safe and rewarding 2021.