All Graduands of the University of Benin are by this notice directed by the University Management to collect their certificates immediately. It is gratifying to note that a moratorium period of 3 months (15th November 2020 - 15th February 2021) has been given for the exercise, thereafter, the following amount would be paid by Prospective Applicant for the collection of Certificate.
1-5 years of Graduation ------- #10,000
6-10 years of Graduation ----- #15,000
11-15 years of Graduation ---- #20,000
16-20 years of Graduation ------#25,000
21 - 30 years of Graduation ----- #30,000
31 years of Graduation and above ----- #40,000
All Graduands should come along with relevant proof/documents to validate their period of studentship in the university of Benin.