UNIABUJA School Fees Payment Procedure 2015/2016

UNIABUJA School Fees Payment Procedure 2015/2016

The general public is hereby informed that all payment of school fees and other payments and receipts accruing to the
University of Abuja shall henceforth be collected through Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)'s Sub-Account through the REMlTA payment gateway as directed by the Federal Government with effect from 15m September, 2015.

REMlTA platform/gateway interface is provided in all Commercial Banks Network in Nigeria and can be accessed on the University of Abuja's Web Portal. This Therefore, makes payment easier in any bank, on the University Web-Portal and
REMlTA website anywhere and anytime nationwide. The payment processes is as follows:

1.Candidates are expected to pay their school fees in full at designated banks as allocated to them by the Bursary Department after being screened by their respective
Department. Thereafter, the clearance certificate and matriculation number are obtained from the Department Screening Officer. The students can then visit the Portal
www.unibuja.com to generate Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) number or collect RRR number at any bank and make payment
with theirRRR number. '

2.How to generate Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) number
and make payment on University Web- Portal:
1.Log onto www.unibuja.com

2. At HOME page, click “Admission Notification”

3. Entre UTME Reg. No./Application No. ---- ,Do not enter anything into PIN Number Column and Click “Pay with Remita” button.

4. Confirm the UTME Reg. No./Application No. and click “Proceed” button. if not admitted, Message: You have not been admitted yet. If admitted, it displays “Admission Checking
Fees Amount” Please write down the Reference Number.

5. Click “Proceed”. Transaction Details will pop—up. Click “Proceed to gateway” That will display your Remita Retrieval Reference- (RRR) number and the Remita Payment Selection page below. The payment options provided are:
a. Pay Now with Internet Banking -This enables one make payment direct from your account login if your bank offers internet banking and you have login credentials)
b. Pay at a Bank Branch - With the generated RRR number you can walk into any bank and make payment and it will reflect on portal account.
c. Pay Now with Cards or Wallet - This enables one make payment with your ATMDEDIT/CREDIT Cards or PAGA if you have
a wallet with them.
d.Pay Now with Remita - This enables payment if you are registered on the Remita Platform.

Then Click on “Print Invoice” to print out. That is the amount payable to the University of Abuja's CBN Sub-Account. Go to any Bank Branch to pay or Click on Card Icon as
displayed under Pay now with Cards or Wallets on the Portal supply ATM card information. This is the best and recommended option for all students to make payments because it is online/real time . Other channels may experience delay
of 24hours.

3. Student should pay 1% of total fees in addition to the FEES AMOUNT to be paid being Remita processing charge as
approved by the Government.

4. After making payment via any of the listed channels of payment or methods listed, you can now return to the University Portal to print the University Online Receipt, update Student's profile, upload photograph and
scan signature.

5. Students are expected to print their online receipts with the RRR number given by the bank or self generated on the University Portal.

6. Students are to bring the Uniabuja printed receipts to the Students Account, Bursary Department for validation, stamping
and signature by the Finance Officer.

7. Students can then visit the Portal www.unibuja.com to register for courses online and go to their various FaCulties/­ Departments for class activities after being
cleared bythe Bursary Department.

8. All New and returning students should apply for their accommodation online and make sure that their applications are successful i.e. after collecting online Hostel
Accommodation Booking Slip before making payment for the Hostel accommodation fees of their choice either at Mini or Main Campus.

9. The online Receipt for Hostel accommodation should be brought into the Finance Officer for validation, stamping and

10. All students are expected to strictly pay at the designated bank(s) assigned to their Faculty in order to avoid any problem associated with payment or Registration.
Note that University of Abuja may not be liable for any fraudulent activities that emanate from using REMlTA platform. Should you difficulties in the process, please contact u_sysadmin@uniabuja.edu.ng or college.support@socketworksng.com

Alhaji El-yaqub, A.B, FCNA

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