We wish to inform the general public that UNIABUJA part time sandwich degree admission form for 2023/2024 session has been released for sale and registration is currently ongoing. There are certain criteria that every candidate must meet in order to be eligible for admission int the sandwich degree programme.
The body in charge of the programme is the Institute of Education (IOE), University of Abuja (UNIABUJA) and registration is to be carried out online via their official portal on www.ioe.uniabuja.edu.ng
UNIABUJA Part-Time/Sandwich Degree Admission Form 2023/2024: How To Apply
Without drifting from the focus of this information, we have outlined the process and procedures on how to apply
How To Apply For UNIABUJA Part Time Sandwich Degree Admission Programme
As mentioned earlier, applications is to be carried out online, any other method of application aside the one mentioned above automatically becomes null and void and of no effect.
After completing the online application, the form candidate would be required to pay the sum of of N10,000.00 (Application form fee) via REMITA through the Institute of Education (IOE) official portal of the University.
Be warned that on no account should an applicant pay cash to any individual on behalf of the University or generate RRR and pay cash to any bank on behalf of the University, do that at your own peril.
Also the Institute of Education (IOE) has warned that no applicant should directly visit REMITA PORTAL for any payment into the University of Abuja Account except through the official portal of the University mention above. All payments must be e-payment via REMITA through the official portal of University of Abuja as mention above.
The university will not be responsible for any wrong payment that does not comply with our guide lines.
This is to safe guard the University funds and protect students and applicants from cyber criminals. Insist on using your mobile phone number during e-payment in oder to get response direct from REMITA at the end of any successful transaction.
All Applicants are to note the following;
A) The information required in several sections of the application form will assist the institute in evaluating your background and qualification. All information contain in this application is confidential and will be used only by the institute.
B) Filling of the forms are to be completed in CAPITAL LETTERS and returned with photo copies of certificate(s), Diploma and other document in support of qualification(s) claimed by the candidate, to the Secretary Institute of Education University of Abuja.
C) Applicants are to apply using the names as it appears on their original documents to avoid discrepancies. ABBREVIATED NAMES ON YOUR ADMISSION FORMS AUTOMATICALLY NULLIFIES YOUR ADMISSION APPLICATION into UNIABUJA part-time/sandwich degree prgramme for 2023/2024 academic session.
Hope he above information adds up. All questions as usual are to be directed to us via the comment session below and we would be glad to assist with answers.
Also, candidates are to take their time to subscribe to our blog to keep getting the latest UNIABUJA admission news and from all tertiary institutions in Nigeria and beyond.