UN-Habitat Participatory Slum Upgrading (Namibia) 2021

UN-Habitat Participatory Slum Upgrading (Namibia) 2021

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) together with the European Commission (EC), and the Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) entered a tripartite partnership to address the challenge of slums in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Countries through the launch of the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP) in 2008. The PSUP is funded by the European Commission (EC) and slum upgrading projects are implemented trough the PSUP and with co-financing contributions from the ACP partner governments. The PSUP implements strategies, policies and projects to address the widespread and chronic urban poverty in slums and informal settlements, in contribution to the Sustainable Development Goal 11 for Cities, Target 1 “By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums”.

About UN-Habitat

UN-Habitat works in over 90 countries to promote transformative change in cities and human settlements through knowledge, policy advice, technical assistance and collaborative action. UN-Habitat’s new strategic plan 2020-2023 adopts a more strategic and integrated approach to solving the challenges and opportunities of twenty-first century cities and other human settlements. Our mission embodies the four main roles of the organization, which can be summarized as: think, do, share and partner.... read more

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Participatory Slum Upgrading

Application Deadline08 Oct 2021
Country to studyNamibia
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Participatory Slum Upgrading

Interested applicants should present their portfolio and experience in the above areas.

The grant provided will be up to 60.000 USD including operational and administrative cost.

Requirements for Participatory Slum Upgrading Qualification

In this call for proposals, UN-Habitat is looking for an implementing partner from academia that can manage and deliver urban diagnostics, slum upgrading and financing strategies in Namibia. 

We are looking for a partner experienced in community mobilization and participation, data collection, neighbourhood planning, participatory methods and formulation of slum/ informal settlementupgrading strategies at local and national level.

Application Deadline

October 8, 2021

How to Apply

For more details, visit UN-Habitat website.

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