This is to inform all students of Umar Suleiman College of Education that the revised academic calendar has been released. The academic activities for the remaining part of the 2019/2020 academic session will run as follows;
Monday 16th November, 2020 - Re-opening of the College
23 November, 2020 - Submission of marked scripts to the Head of Departments
Monday 30 November, 2020 - Submission of questions and marking scheme to the Head of Departments
Monday 7 December,2020 - Internal and External moderation
Tuesday 15th December, 2020 - Academic board meeting
Monday 18th January,2021 - Beginning of second semester examination 2019/2020
Monday 15th February, 2021 - End of second semester examination 2019/2020
Monday 1 March, 2021 - Beginning of new session 2020/2021
All public holidays will be observed.