Umar Suleiman College of Education reviewed NCE academic calendar, 2021/2022

Umar Suleiman College of Education reviewed NCE academic calendar, 2021/2022

This is to inform NCE Students of Umar Suleiman College of Education that the management has released the revised Academic Calendar for 2021/2022. Below is the calendar;

Mon. 15th August, 2022 - Re-opening of School

15 August, 2022 - Resumption of NCE II and III

24th August, 2022 -Matriculation for NCE I and DIPLOMA I Students

29th August, 2022 - Commencement of Examination NCE I

12 September, 2022 - End of NCE I First Semester Examination

26th September, 2022 - Submission of NCEL first Semester Marked Scripts

29th September, 2022 - Submission of Questions for second Semester III III, and Marked Script for NCE II First Semester.

Internal Moderation for NCE I - 3rd October, 2022

11th October, 2022 - Academic Board Meeting

24th October, 2022 - Beginning of Second Semester Examination.

7th November, 2022 - End of Second Semester Examination 21/22

7th December, 2022 - Submission of Second Semester Marked Scripts

14th December, 2022 - Internal and External Moderation for Making Scripts

9th January, 2023 - Beginning of 2022/2023 Academic Session

12th January 2023 - Academic Board meeting

NOTE: That Public holidays will be observed

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