Before we get into the subject, let us clarify what Jamb actually is. Jamb or Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board is known as an entrance examination board provided for the institutions of the tertiary level in Nigeria. The board’s main function is to conduct entrance exams for prospective students who choose to study in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. It is also important to mention that in order to study in the tertiary-level institutions, the prospective undergraduates have to conclude the Secondary Schools Council Examination (SSCE or WAEC) there.
In general, the Jamb is a non-handwritten exam that is computer-based. You’re not going to be provided with a standard question-and-answer task. Instead, all the job should be done on the computer. As a rule, prospective students have three hours to cope with the examination, but in some cases, the officials may change the timeframe. Keep in mind that you have to provide answers to each question within the specified time limit. Now that you know the basic information on what the Jamb examination is, let’s focus on some of the ways to pass the Jamb exams successfully.
Take Advantage of Time
As it has already been said, this examination is time-based, which means your time is limited, and you have to answer the questions from all subjects. In other words, make sure that you use your time wisely and take advantage of every minute. To cope with your tasks before your time runs out, you have to start your work with easily manageable goals. Pick the simplest questions and answer them first. Thus, you will save some precious time for the questions that require more thinking and calculation.
Follow the Jamb Syllabus
All examinations come with a certain syllabus that is also known as an AOC (area of concentration). Whether you’re trying to gain admission to the college or dealing with Jamb, your lecturers will provide you with AOCs. The first step that you have to take to cope with your Jamb is to check your Jamb syllabus. Use it as your special guide when you solve past questions or review your textbooks. If you read without getting your hands on your Jamb syllabus, you’re going to feel like a kid lost in a shopping mall.
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Prospective students are always provided with a syllabus because the reality is that you can’t read everything from your textbooks due to the vast amounts of information. And so, the admission committee will make things easier by choosing the range of topics that will most likely be part of the examination. Make sure to use your syllabus when preparing for Jamb exams, whatever your subjects are.
Check Past Questions
One of the simplest ways to pass your Jamb exam is though using the past questions and answers. A lot of college and university students agree that the Jamb exams that they dealt with were pretty similar to the ones of the previous years. In other words, you have to check as many exams as you possibly can to be well-prepared for your Jamb session.
Read the Novel
Once you register for the Jamb exam, you will have to get the recommended novel. A lot of prospective undergrads make the same mistake – they believe that the novel is something that only art students have to deal with. The point is that the Use of English includes from 15 to 35 questions from the novel. Therefore, you have to read the novel from A to Z, as well as make notes of every character’s name and their plotline. Whether you’re an art or science student, you will definitely deal with the Use of English and be asked to answer the questions from the novel.
Get Professional Help with Your Weaknesses
In case you have a discipline or a field of study that is your weakness, it is important that you don’t just ignore this fact. Work your way through it in order to understand the subject. Study more. Approach your friends and family members who are knowledgeable about the niche to get some help. If you don’t think you can make it on your own, look for professional help from an online research paper writing service like DoMyPapers.com. The companies are available twenty-four hours a day, which means you can easily manage your time and work with proficient experts in your field of study. Make sure you listen attentively while they are helping you with your academic issues and practice a lot what online socialists have taught you alone.
Focus on Your Strengths
A lot of college and university students have the subjects that they are passionate about. It’s no wonder that you also have those disciplines that you prefer over the rest. Ensure to understand what your academic strengths are and study them on the first run. Once you focus on your strengths, you will be able to score better in those disciplines that will cover up for the fields that you’re weak at.
Invest More Time
If you think that reading for four hours for your Jamb exam is enough, make sure to invest some extra three hours into the process. At the same time, it is important to take regular breaks to have some memory refresh. Moreover, do your best to study during the daytime because pulling an all-nighter may result in poor scores. Before the exam day, make sure to set a target that will enable you to complete the syllabus. But do not be in a hurry. Otherwise, you won’t be able to keep the materials in your memory for too long. The number one rule here is that you have to read early to be able to cover 100% of your syllabus. Never wait until the examination day.
Mentally Write Your Jamb Exam before the Actual Exam
A lot of students find it hard to pretend as if they’re writing their exams because they are more practical. However, if you mentally play this scene in your head, see yourself as if you’re entering the room confident and absolutely sure about the outcome, as well as imagine that you’re coming out successful and satisfied with the results, it will help you develop your confidence and handle the exam pressure.
Every time you play this up, ensure to do this in some comfortable place with zero distractions, where you can relax without falling asleep (your bed won’t work). Just close your eyes and let your imagination bloom. Start acting the whole Jamb experience, from entering the center room to submitting your work. Play it as many times as you need in order to make sure you feel 100% calm. Of course, this step is not obligatory for the reason that it has a psychological context in it. However, some students report that this technique has helped them to get rid of all the fears associated with the Jamb exam and handle the exam calmly.
Finally, do not be afraid. A lot of students are shivering when they are about to sit down and deal with their Jamb exam. However, it is important to calm down before you get your hands on your tasks. It is exam fever that makes most students fail the Jamb. So, do yourself a huge favor and relax when writing Jamb. We hope that your journey in the field of higher education will be over once you follow these simple recommendations.