I was just on my own as usual when this pictures came across me, at first I thought it was just a gathering of people cooking, probably am occasion or something but then i saw the headline UI, I took a better look and it appeared to be young boys and girls with the write up as follows:
“Since the school management told us to vacate the halls of residence for staging a very peaceful protest against the rustification of a student (Mote) because he participated in a peaceful protest in one of the halls (independence hall) and poor state of electric and water supply, uites have also decided to stay back in school, we don’t have any plan of going anywhere!.In fact we re currently at the school gate where we are actually cooking something really delicious … Tell the VC to join us , there’s always love in sharing,…you are also invited, don’t miss out .lol”
Well if this is really true, why wont these students go home???