UI notice on SIWES seminar presentation

UI notice on SIWES seminar presentation

The concluding part of the 2020/2021 Students' Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) programme which is the Seminar Presentation exercise will commence from Monday, 12th December, 2022 according to the attached timetable. The following guidelines are therefore to be adhered to by eligible students:

1. All seminars will hold at the Centre's Seminar Rooms

2. There will be no make-up seminar for any student that misses this opportunity.

3. All students concerned should submit softcopies of their PowerPoint Presentation Slides to their class representative, who should compile them on a single compact disk (CD) for onward submission to ITCC (Room 16) on or before Friday, 9th December, 2022.

4. Each student will have a maximum of 10 minutes for presentation and questioning. Students are advised to focus on the activities carried out, experience or understanding gained as relates to theories taught in class and their contribution to the organization during the training

5. All seminars start at 9:00am each day. Students are expected to be formally dressed and seated at their respective Seminar Room before 9.00a.m.

Students are advised to adhere strictly to this directive.

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