UI notice on COVID-19 emergency response research committee recommendations

UI notice on COVID-19 emergency response research committee recommendations

In view of the need for a few (postgraduate) students to be on campus to conclude examinations for the 2018/2019 session and for the First Semester of the 2020/2021 session, the following recommendations are made by the University of Ibadan COVID-19 Emergency Response Research  


1. Students to be accommodated on campus MUST bring a 500ml hand sanitizer and a spray sanitizer for surfaces. 

2. The said students would be allocated to two halls of residence for ease of management. One of

the two halls should be for males and the other for females. These halls will be decontaminated before occupancy by the students. 

3. Consistent and proper use of nose and mouth cover is mandatory for everyone on campus in public spaces. 

4. The University management will do its best to expedite action on COVID-19 Testing Health Centre under construction. 

5. Formal, informal and religious physical gatherings should be restricted to not more than

50% capacity of the facility. Physical distancing, appropriate use of facemasks, and other recommendations should be strictly enforced. 

6. Lying-in-state and similar activities that encourage display of corpses/dead bodies should be suspended for now. 

7. Public transportation should not carry more than 50% of their capacity in compliance with physical distancing rules. 

8. Persons aged 60years and above and/or with co-morbidities should stay at home and avoid crowds. 

9. Leadership of offices should take responsibility for adequate ventilation in offices, facilitate work-from-home arrangements, and ensure adherence to all recommended health safety precautions. 

10. Virtual meetings should be adopted/encouraged in offices as much as possible.

11. Persons having symptoms of COVID-19 infection such as fever, cough and breathlessness should call any of the following numbers: 08095394000 or 08078288800. 


a. Identified hotspots for the spread of COVID-19 infection on campus: extra caution should be taken in these hotspots.

b. Other protocols and guidelines that should be put in place.

c. Modality for awareness and enforcement.

a. Specific hotspots identified for spread of COVID-19 on campus include:

Halls of residence

Lecture rooms



Demonstration rooms


Jaja clinic

Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Eatery and Joints on campus

SUB/Business centres

Admission office

Faculty/Departmental offices

Event centres

Bus stops/Car parks

Postgraduate school

Staff school

Teaching and Research Farm Retail outlet

UI Shopwell

Abadina areas with major shops

Idia Village Market

Churches and mosques

UI Staff Club

Zoological Garden

b. Protocols and guidelines to be put in place

Information: Academic activities following resumption for the 2020/2021 Session should be virtual/online for the first semester. 

Halls of residence:

Reduction in the number of accommodated students per room.

Provision of regular water supply and proper functioning of other utilities (emphasis on main water source). 

Provision of multiple hand wash stations at the entrance of each hall of residence

Visitation to halls of residence should be reduced and compliance enforced.


Where physical interaction is imperative, the following are to be ensured:

Splitting large classes and staggering lecture periods

Strict sanitary conditions as applicable in the halls of residence

Provision of sustainable internet/intranet services on campus (ITeMs)

Classrooms to be de-contaminated at least twice weekly (owing to cost implications).

Consistent and proper use of nose and mouth cover to be enforced in classrooms

Rotational teaching model should be adopted (to reduce crowding)

Eateries, Market, Zoological Garden, Churches, Mosques and Bars on Campus

The following are to be implemented:

Physical distancing

Promotion of the use of take away packs at eateries

Expansion of retail outlets at eateries

Restriction of the number of people in specific premises to 50% of capacity

Consistent use of face shield/nose cover

Monitoring of compliance

Regulate business hours (7:30 am to 6:30pm)

c. Modality for awareness and enforcement

Involve UI radio, ITeMs

Flyers for hot spots and posters at strategic places

Virtual seminars to be organized for each Faculty

d. Punitive measures against defaulters

Forfeiture of right of place



Management seeks the support of staff and students in this regard.

Thank you.

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