Due to current challenges with payment on the portal, the following is provided to ensure that students are able to make payments and proceed to registration as applicable.
This is for students that have not made payment before the initial deadline. Kindly note that payment and registration will close finally on Friday 16 December 2022 with no extension. Follow the guidelines below carefully:
Payment of Registration Fees
Registration fees are to be paid using Remita e-Payments and e-Collection platform
Make sure you carefully read, understand and follow the payment procedure, as University of Ibadan will not be liable for any loss of funds as a result of incorrect data entry. Check and confirm amount to be paid before proceeding.
Check amount to be paid
Step 1→ Visit the undergraduate portal at http://www.portal.ui.edu.ng/
Step 2→ On the home page of the Portal, click the Payment Advice and input your matric no.
Step 3→ Select the appropriate fee from the dropdown button, click submit button to continue.
Step 4→ Based on the selected fee, the amount to be paid is displayed. Please note the correctness of
the following information before you proceed to make payment.
1. Level of study
2. Program of Study
How To Pay Fees Via Remita Platform
Step 1→ (Remita Website): Visit to the Remita Payment Platform website at https://www.remita.net/
Step 2→ Click on Pay FGN's and State TSA
Step 3→ Select “Pay FGN: Federal Government of Nigeria”
Step 4→Who do you want to Pay: “Name of MDA” start typing University and a drop down will
be shown, make sure you select UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN – 1000107
Step 5→ Name of Service/Purpose: Select any of these undergraduate fees: Bundled Fee, School
Fee, Technology Fee, Accommodation Fee, Special DVM Practical
Step 6→ Fill in all the other fields: Faculty, Matric No, Description, Level, Department and Hall
Step 7→ GIFMIS Code: Type (0000)
Step 8→ Amount To Pay (₦): Input the amount shown on the generated payment advice from
the Portal
Step 9→ Fill in all the other fields: Payer’s Full Name, Payer’s Email and Payer’s Phone
Note that Payer (Payer's Full Name, Payer's Email, Payer's Phone) means the student, so even if the student is not the one making the payment (payment by proxy) make sure to use the student information. Any misinformation may lead to unnecessary delay in validating and processing of payment. Payments are usually validated and processed within 24/48 hours of making payment
Prefix your name with your matriculation number:
Payer's Full Name: Matriculation Number_Surname First name Other Name e.g 123456_Awolowo Obafemi Jeremiah
Step 10→ Make sure all the information entered is correct. After confirming all entries are correct, Click on Proceed to Payment Button.
Step 11→ When the payment succeeds, electronic receipt will be generated and sent to the email you indicated. Note the RRR number on the electronic receipt.
Course Registration:
You will need to wait for 24 hours after successful payment of fees on the Remita before proceeding to Course Registration on portal.ui.edu.ng.
Deputy Vice Chancellor(Academic)