This is to inform all the students of the University of Ibadan (UI) that they can now generate their accommodation and school fees receipts online.
The management has launched an online platform in a bid to avoid unnecessary queue and delay in getting your receipts.
Follow the procedure outlined below to generate your receipts :
1. Visit streceipt.ui.edu.ng
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2. Type your Matriculation Number or RRR (Remita Retrieval Reference Number) and click Search
3. Click Display link preceding the receipt you want to print.
4. Click Print to print receipt.
Click Download to save a pdf copy of the receipt to your computer
Click Email to have the receipt emailed to your configured email address.
5. Students should take the printed copy/copies of the same receipt(s) to their respective Finance Offices for validation ( with Official Stamp).
For further enquiry, visit Students Accounts Section of the Bursary Department.
Source: UI