This is to inform all students (UGI-UGVI) that a verification exercise is scheduled to commence on the 11th of September, 2023. The exercise shall last for 18 days. It shall start from 10:00am - 5:00pm daily
Students are to present the following documents:
Original UTME Result
Original JAMB Admission Letter
Original WAEC, NECO and TC certificates if available, otherwise signed result/examination broad sheet/photo card.
Original certificate (Diploma or NCE) or Academic Transcript, duly signed and stamped by the awarding institution, plus any evidence of attending such institution (for DE students).
Confirmation of Admission, and certificate of Local Government Indigeneship.
Venues for the exercise are indicated below:
1. All faculties on the main campus - MH2 Lecture Theatre
2. All faculties of the main campus - UDUTH Auditorium
Secretary, Verification Committee