This is to inform the general public especially prospective students that Admission Form in to B.Ed Part - Time Degree Programme of Usmanu Danfodiyo University , Sokoto for 2023/2024 academic session is on sale at the rate of N10,000.00. To purchase the form , candidates are expected to Pay the sum of Ten thousand Naira only ( N10,000 ) only into B.Ed Part - Time Programme's Account :
Account Number : 1771787900 ; Bank Name : Polaris Bank
Sokoto ; Account Name : B.Ed Part - Time Programme , and collect their forms at :
1. Sokoto : Polaris Bank Ltd. , Maiduguri Road ;
2.Kebbi State :
Polaris Bank , Main branch B / Kebbi ;
3. Zamfara : Polaris Bank , Katin - daji Rd . , Gusau
4. Niger State : Polaris Bank , Tungu Junction Bosso Minna.
Prospective candidates should possess :
1.Nigerian Certificate in Education ( NCE )
2.Or Relevant Diploma / IJMB from a recognised institution
3.In addition candidates must possess five (5) O'Level Credits including English Language and Mathematics.
1. Adult Education
2. Agricultural Science Education
3 Biology Education
4. Chemistry Education
5. Computer Education
6. Economics Education
7. Educational Management
8. Geography Education
9. Guidance and Counseling
10. Islamic Studies Education
11. Language Arts Education ( Arabic language)
12. Language Arts Education ( English )
13. Language Arts Education ( French )
14. Language Arts Education ( Hausa )
15. Library and Information Science
16. Mathematics Education
17. Physics Education
18. Primary Education
19. Social Studies Education .
Completed forms should be submitted at B.Ed. Part - Time Office in the Faculty of Education and Extension Services , Usmanu Danfodiyo University , Sokoto On or before 23rd January, 2024.