The TWAS Awards (previously called ‘TWAS Prizes’) are awarded to individual scientists from developing countries in recognition of an outstanding contribution to scientific knowledge in nine fields of sciences and/or to the application of science and technology to sustainable development.
TWAS – The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries – works to support sustainable prosperity through research, education, policy and diplomacy. TWAS is a global science academy based in Trieste, Italy.
TWAS Awards Eligibility.
- Candidates for a TWAS Award must be scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least ten years immediately prior to their nomination. They must meet at least one of the following qualifications:
- Scientific research achievement of outstanding significance for the development of scientific thought.
- Outstanding contribution to the application of science and technology to sustainable development.
- Members of TWAS and candidates for TWAS membership are not eligible for TWAS Awards.
- Self-nominations will not be considered.
TWAS Awards Benefits.
- TWAS provides nine awards of USD 10,000 each in the following fields: agricultural sciences; biology; chemistry; earth, astronomy and space sciences; engineering sciences; mathematics; medical sciences; physics and social sciences.
- Each award is accompanied by a plaque.
- Awards are usually presented on a special occasion, often coinciding with the General Meeting of TWAS.
How to Submit Nominations for TWAS Awards.
A nomination is considered complete only if includes all of the following information/material:
- Nominator contact details
- Nominee contact details (self nominations are not accepted) and general information on the nominee, including the country where he/she has been working and living in the past 10 years
- Scientific field the nominations if for (only one)
- Suggested citation (20-25 words highlighting the nominee’s scientific achievements)
- Supporting statement which should explain carefully the work performed by the nominee, its significance and justification to its outstanding nature. The outstanding contribution may be defined in relation to existing opportunities and realistic possibilities available to the candidate. This applies particularly to candidates from scientifically disadvantaged countries
- Biographical sketch of the nominee in NARRATIVE style. Information on any time spent abroad of the home country in the past ten years is to be clearly provided.
- Degrees obtained
- Professional appointments
- Brief information on membership in academies and societies
- Brief information on awards and honours received
- List of 12 most significant publications listed in an internationally acceptable format.
- Google Scholar h-index and number of citations
- Contact details (especially email addresses) of five referees covering a wide geographical distribution, whom we can contact regarding the nominee’s work. It is to be noted that referees reports can only be submitted through the online platform. In particular, the referees will be contacted by TWAS through the email address entered in the nomination form. Please note that if fewer than three meaningful referees reports have been received by the deadline set by the TWAS Executive Director, the nomination will not be processed. It is recommended that Referees place the focus of their letter on the impact of the nominee’s work.
- The nominee’s brief CV and her/his complete list of publications are also to be uploaded, separately, onto the online platform (only pdf files are allowed).
- Authorization from the nominee to process his/her personal data for the purposes of his/her nomination, in conformity to Art. 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003. This authorization can only be submitted through the online platform. In particular, nominees will be contacted by TWAS by means of the email address inserted in the nomination form, and requested to submit online their acceptance, if so they wish, by the deadline indicated.
Nominate Here Official Link
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