TU Berlin Summer University Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries 2022

TU Berlin Summer University Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries 2022

The TU Berlin Summer University Online will be offering one scholarship, the TU Berlin President’s Scholarship to an exceptional applicant applying to participate in a course of the 2021 TU Berlin Summer Program.

About Technical University of Berlin

The TU Berlin is an active part of the international metropolis and the outstanding science location Berlin. Ideas for the future are developed here in the heart of the German capital.

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TU Berlin Summer University Scholarships

Application Deadline29 Apr 2022
SponsorTechnical University of Berlin
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of TU Berlin Summer University Scholarships

 Free tuition. Short course is online.

Requirements for TU Berlin Summer University Scholarships Qualification

In order to be eligible, the following two criteria must be met:

1. You must be currently studying and enrolled as a student at the time of application

2. You must reside outside of Germany

Documents Required for Application

To apply for a scholarship, please include the following documents and combine them into one PDF: 1. Motivation letter (approx. 1-2 pages) 2. CV (max. 2 pages) 

3. Transcript of records (official grade list)

4. Recommendation letter from one of your professors (recommended but not mandatory). Note: unsigned letters will not be considered

Application Deadline

April 29, 2022

How to Apply

All applicants must register online for the TU Berlin Summer University, and pay the registration fee of 60€, in order to be considered for a scholarship. The registration fee will be refunded to unsuccessful candidates.

Please read the Scholarship Guidelines carefully and ensure that you complete each step.

For miore details, visit TU Berlin website.

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