TSU adjusted academic calendar for 2021/2022 & 2022/2023

TSU adjusted academic calendar for 2021/2022 & 2022/2023

The Vice-Chancellor and the Chairman of Senate has approved the adjusted academic calendar based on the NUC directive for Election holiday. 

The adjusted academic calendar is as follows 

                  DATE                                                                   EVENT

                    2021/2022 session 

  • Thur 14th Mar  -  Fri 14th July 2023        -       Second semester 
  • Mon 3rd July  - 22nd July 2023       -        End of second semester Examination for all levels 

              2022/2023 academic session 

  • Tue 14th March  -  Fri 22nd Jul 2023    -    First Semester for 100 and 200 levels
  • Mon 3rd July  - 22nd July 2023        -    End of first semester examination for 100 - 200 levels 

Do accept my best regards 

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