There comes a period in our life when we like someone but are unsure if they admire us back. They might be a close friend or someone you met a long time ago. Crushes are what we call them. When we are in this circumstance and converse with them well, we often find methods to garner hints on what they think of us. The good old Truth or Dare game is one of our favourite ways to gather such information from them. That is because it comes in the form of a game, and it also acts as a means of getting to know them and, of course, learning what they think of us.
We sometimes get confused about what to use to dare them or what questions to ask on a first date to spice up the game. That is why this piece has been prepared to assist you in coming up with fascinating truths and dares for your sweetheart. The following are some intriguing questions to include in your truth or dare game (T or D):
The Truth Questions
- What is your favourite game to play?
- What is your favourite colour?
- Who is your best friend?
- What is your favourite childhood memory?
- What is your worst childhood memory?
- What is the most embarrassing moment of your childhood?
- What about your childhood would you like to change?
- Who was your childhood best friend?
- Whom would you date if you had to date one of your teachers?
- What do you like about me?
- What about me do you hate?
- What is your most annoying personality flaw?
- What would you do if you ran out of toilet paper in a public restroom just after a large poop?
- Do you think we would make a good couple?
- Do you ever think of me when you think of something good?
- Have you ever been so inebriated that you passed out?
- When you imagine romantic moments, do you put me in the picture?
- What is the most important secret you’ve concealed from your parents?
- Do you think I will look good in a wedding dress?
- What sort of animal would you date if you had to date one?
- Do you imagine a tuxedo would look great on me?
- Do the thoughts of me make you smile?
- What sort of plant would you date if you had to date a plant, and why?
- What is the most important aspect of your relationship to you?
- If I reach out to peck you, would you let me?
- Have you ever had to pee in your pants as an adult?
- Do you find me attractive?
- If you could swap places with your mother, what would you do?
- What was the last item you looked up on your phone?
- Is there something you can’t live without?
- Have you ever been in love?
- Who are you currently crushing on?
- What is the most humiliating event that has ever occurred to you in public?
- If you could make three wishes, what would they be?
- Are you currently dating anyone?
- Tell me about your secret habits?
- Are you considering dating anyone now?
- What is the most important secret you’ve concealed from your best friend?
- What is the worst gift you’ve ever gotten?
- What is the first thing you would do if you could be a member of the other gender for a day?
- Have you ever been unfaithful to someone?
- Tell me about the most humiliating thing you’ve ever done.
- Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
- What will you do if you are left in a room with me for a day?
- Have you ever imagined me in my underwear?
- What is your best memory of us?
- What movie could you say reminds you of us?
- Would you like it if I was your sister instead?
- What sports activity is your favourite?
- If we were not friends, would you look my way?
- What outdoor activity would you want to try with me?
- Who among your siblings do you relate well it?
- What is your favourite food?
- What is your favourite drink?
- Have you travelled to a foreign country?
- What is your aspiration in life?
- Who inspires you the most?
- Do you have allergies to a particular thing?
The Dare
We have chosen juicy dare activities for your truth or dare game. They are outlined below:
- Perceive my armpit.
- Finish a gallon of milk without taking a break.
- Stuff your mouth with four sausages.
- Pull down your pants and sit on a spot for the next five minutes.
- Take ten shots of tequila without taking a break.
- Smear your face with mustard.
- Read your fourth message out loud.
- Let the person closer to you slap your butt.
- Twerk for 15 seconds.
- Eat cake in a naughty way for 15 seconds.
- Drink a bottle of water without taking a break.
- Prank your dad via a phone call for 15 seconds.
- Say a tongue twist for thirty seconds.
- Sing your favourite song for the next thirty seconds.
- Dance to the shark song for fifteen seconds.
- Dance around for fifteen seconds.
- Dance around in your nightie for 15 seconds.
- Blindfold yourself and try to draw a baby
There are a lot of dare activities there for you to try out, but these remain our favourite so far for a crush. Feel free to spice them up how you best prefer them. Have fun!