The management of Trinity University has released the school's resumption protocol for first semester 2020/2021. All returning students should kindly note and adhere strictly to the following information. See Guidelines below:
A. Phase Level Schedules for Resumption:
Resumption schedule for the 2020/2021 1st Semester is shown below. Parents and Students are to strictly adhere to the assigned dates as defaulters will not be allowed into the school premises.
1. Date; 12-Oct-2020
Department & Level: Computer Sciences 200 & 300
Department & Level: Nursing Sciences 100
Department & Level: International Rel. & Diplomacy 100
2. Date: 13-Oct-2020
Department & Level: Biological Sciences 200 & 300
Department & Level: Mass Communication 200 & 300
3. Date: 14-Oct-2020
Department & Level: Accounting 200
Department & Level: Tourism and Hospitality Mgt. 200
Department & Level: Marketing 200
Department & Level: Economics 200
Department & Level: Political Sciences 200
Department & Level: Business Administration 200
Department & Level: Others All Levels
B. Protective Materials:
All returning students are to ensure they resume to campus with the following infection prevention and control materials:
a). Face mask (at least 4 pieces);
b). Face shield; and
c). A bottle of hand sanitizer.
C. Medical Screening:
1. All returning students MUST undergo mandatory Medical Screening/Clearance;
2. The Medical screening/clearances will hold at the Clearance Centre (TU Health Centre);
3. Medical Screening/Clearance opens 8.00am and closes 5.00pm daily;
4. All returning students are required to pay a Screening fee of N10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Naira only);
5. Screening fee will be paid ONLY at the Screening/Clearance Centre without which the students will not be screened or admitted on Campus;
6. Screening will include: a). Temperature check; b). Travel history checks; c). Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT); d). Disinfection of students’ bags and other materials; and e). Blood Group and Genotype.
7. Those with unsatisfactory medical result will return home with their parents. They will only be admitted with NCDC certification.
8. Other medical check will continue afterwards at the Medical Centre.
9. All students expected per day MUST wait at the reception ground (car park) to access the Screening/Clearance Centre. No student will be admitted to the hall of residence without the clearance pass.
10. Parents are to stay within the car park and inside their vehicles while the screening last. ONLY students will be admitted unto the Clearance ground.
C. Acquisition of Entrepreneur Skill(s) and Learning of French Language:
As part of the mandate of the University to ensure that our students learn at least a foreign language and also to prepare them for the Industrial World, the practical session of Trinity University Entrepreneurship studies, kicks off this session. Each student is mandated to pay a compulsory fee of ₦10,000 each for the learning of French language and skill of choice (a total of ₦20,000) from the listed skills (Appendix A).
All students with outstanding school fees for the 2019/2020 academic session will not be admitted on campus without clearing their bills. Parents should kindly note that no signing of undertaking will be accepted for any outstanding fees for the 2019/2020 session. In addition to the above, students are expected to pay 40% of the 2020/2021 session school fees before resumption to the University’s account. Evidence of payment will be requested for at the gate without which the parents would be asked to take their ward(s) back home or the student be sent back home. Parents should kindly cooperate with us on this regard.
We appreciate your Cooperation So far.