TOPS postpones first semester examination, 2023/2024

TOPS postpones first semester examination, 2023/2024

Following the return of the SIWES Students from their respective training centers, there was a consideration of a change of date for the commencement of both the Computer Base Test and Written Examinations that had been earlier scheduled for Monday, 22nd May, 2024 and Monday, 29th May, 2024 respectively. The change was passionately made in a bid to allow the students to have quality time and to prepare for the Examinations. To this effect, Monday, 6th May, 2024 and Monday, 13th May, 2024 are the new official dates for both the Computer Base Test (CBT) and Examinations respectively.

Predicated upon the above, the entire staff and students of this Institution are hereby enjoined to note the new dates and be endeavored to give the content of this Memorandum a wider publicity it deserves among all people in the Institution while students are, for the second time sternly advised to made all necessary payments on or before Monday, 6th May, 2024, the official date for the commencement of the Computer Base Test (CBT).

In view of the above, I hereby, on behalf of the Management, register our regret for the inconvenience that the change might have caused you.

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