Have you ever gone to bed at night and wondered what you could be doing to make yourself a better student? Worry not! Many students struggle with their day-to-day routines and don’t realise that a simple change in their routine could transform them into the successful student they always dreamed of being! So here are the top 5 successful student habits you could be doing to increase productivity:
1) Get up early!
Waking up early is just as important as getting a full 8-hours of sleep! Being able to motivate yourself to get out of bed is a great way to start your day. This is because it can give you that extra push to get on with the tasks you have to do.
Also, waking up at approximately the same time every day can help you hone your biological clock and get you into the correct routine. Therefore, if you don’t receive a full 8-hours rest, you will still get up and carry on with the jobs you have set yourself for that day.
2) Get your Heart rate up!
Exercise is common as one of the most popular morning student habits to start their day. Studies indicate that people who exercise regularly have improved concentration, a sharper memory, faster learning, prolonged mental stamina, enhanced creativity, and lower stress.
Unfortunately, for many of us, planning to exercise after work is a good way to make sure that you never make it to the gym. That’s why one of the main morning activities for successful individuals is hitting the gym to exercise.
Even if the thought of a 5 a.m. jog doesn’t sound appealing, try waking up 15 minutes early for a quick bedside set of pushups or stretching. It’ll help wake up your body, and prep you for your day.
3) Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Take that extra time in the morning to fuel your body for the tasks ahead of it. Not eating a solid breakfast can lead to weakness and lack of focus in the classroom. This is not good. Take that extra time in the morning to fuel your body for the tasks ahead of it. It will help keep your mind on what’s at hand and not your growling stomach.
Also, instead of drinking coffee first thing in the morning, studies show that a large glass of water is hugely beneficial for your body. It helps to hydrate your brain cells, which are often dried after fasting for 8 hours when you were sleeping. It also helps to kickstart your metabolism and prepare you for the day. Turning this into a successful habit will have instantaneous benefits and you will notice it immediately!
4) Tackle your Biggest Task First
Waking up early gives you more time to deal with your to-do list. One of the most popular successful student habits is to deal with their largest task first. Instead of having the task looming over you for the entire day, why not get it out of the way first? This allows you to get on with all the other smaller things you may have planned for the day.
This technique can also be applied to your coursework. It is known as the “Eat that Frog” study technique, and you can learn more about it by reading our informative ‘Study Techniques for Better Learning‘ article.
5) Plan Your Day
Another successful student habit that many students tend to take for granted is planning! Organising your schedule and mapping out your day is a great way to prepare yourself for the tasks that you have to complete. The early hours foster easier reflection that helps when prioritizing your activities. They also allow for uninterrupted problem solving when trying to fit everything into your timetable.
To conclude, there are several habits you can teach yourself to become a more successful student! From waking up earlier to making sure you eat a healthy breakfast to exercising, all of these methods will help you to increase productivity and become an overall better student and lead a healthier lifestyle at the same time!