‘Going Green’ has increasingly become important to more than just the average consumer in the UK. Businesses and Universities have been trying to make changes throughout the years to do their part for the Earth without compromising the needs of the staff and students.
This year’s People & Plant awards have been released and for 2012 they’ve chosen to categorize universities into sub-leagues to compare by peer group. Our student editor Ashley brings you the results.
The 2012 People & Plant Green League surveyed 145 universities throughout the UK. They were broken down into subgroups:
47 -First Class Award
37 - Upper Second Class Award
32 - Lower Second Class Award
16 – Third Class Award
14 – Failed, No Award
8 – Did not participate
Lead researcher for P&PGL Louise Hazan states, “Despite intense pressures on university budgets, this year’s results show how universities are increasingly aware that going green helps save money and enhance the quality of education they can offer their students.”
Top 5
University of Greenwich
With a score of 55 out of 70, University of Greenwich scored top marks for environmental policy, environmental management staff, environmental auditing and management systems, staff and student engagement and sustainable food. Scoring well for the sustainable food category benefits the students directly as by buying local they cut the cost on prices and provide healthy diet options.
University of Plymouth
Scoring 54.5 out of 70, University of Plymouth performed better in policy than overall performance, by providing a curriculum that integrates sustainability issues with commitment. The university has also been awarded a HEFCE loan for carbon reductions, as well as providing over 60% of the university’s carbon reductions targets for 2015. They plan to be a carbon neutral university by 2030.
University of Brighton
Falling behind #2 by only .5 of a point, University of Brighton scored 54 out of 70, and also performed better overall in the policy category. The university’s Biodiversity Action Plan first implemented in 2009 were actually able to be put into action in March of this year by planting 300 shrubs and trees!
University of Gloucestershire
University of Gloucestershire scored 53.5 out of 70, again placing a strong focus on policy. They’ve been awarded £200,000 from the HEFCE for their project ‘Leading Curriculum Change for Sustainability’ in October 2010, to cover two years ending this year in September. The focus is on processes that will ensure curriculum development that’s towards sustainability is up to par with the highest quality in the Higher Education Sector.
Nottingham Trent University
With impressive figures for the waste & recycling, they recycle 88.97% of its total waste! It’s no surprise that Nottingham Trent University reaches number five with a score of 53 out of 70. Their focuses is on food sustainability and were granted the Silver Food for Life Catering Mark from the Soil Association for producing over 2000 meals per day that are 90% freshly prepared with locally sourced and organic ingredients.
Overall, the awards are to bring to light excellent projects that not only seek to better their students, but the planet as whole. In providing a better environment for students and their studies, the end result passes on life skills to the university graduates that can assist them in many future situations in the work force or out.
More information:
Source: Hotcourses Nigeria.