Tips on How to Excel in UNIBEN Post-UTME/DE

Tips on How to Excel in UNIBEN Post-UTME/DE

I'm going to share here tops that will help you excel in University of Benin Post-UTME exams.

1. Get UNIBEN Post UTME Past Question: This is apparently the most important thing any serious student would get. I remember writing my Post-UDE exam and quite a number of the questions were repeated. This helped me save time because timing is so important since you don't have the whole day after all.

2. Review Past JAMB-UTME and even WAEC Past Questions: Perhaps you probably have not heard but it's a fact that the Comprehension Passages set in UNIBEN Post-UTME exams are basically WAEC past questions. Also, many of the other subjects like Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics, Literature-in-English, and Commerce are repeated in the same way however few.

3. Start Preparation Early: This can be in form of personal study or attending quality tutorial classes where the question patterns and techniques for answering them would be learnt. You must be diligent with your study and passionate too. As the say goes, make hay while the sun shines.

4. Have a Fixed Mental Attitude of a Success: Some people are never happy about themselves, always complaining about the past and how many times they wrote UNIBEN Post-UTME exam without success. Don't let them spoil your attitude. Always have the mindset of a victor. Whether the University Council likes it or not students will get admitted every session, see yourself among them. Never think of failure in your mind, resist those 'failure thoughts' and see yourself triumphant. See yourself matriculating, see yourself scoring 90%. It's possible as far as your eyes can see.

5. Use the Library: This is also very important because excellent students are born out of there. I implore you to use the library if you have access to one.

6. Get UNIBEN 100 Level Q-Pack on your Study Course: This is an excellent work of Quintessence Tutors of the university who diligently compiled 100 level past questions and answers spanning various faculties. Many of the Post-UTME questions show up from there.

7. Spend Time to Pray: God crowns our work with success. Whether or not you believe it the Holy Spirit remains the secret of success. If only you would let Him help you, your success will spread abroad such that anything you lay your hands to do turns into success. You'll succeed by His grace!

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