If at the end of the whole saga the government implements "Oral putme" instead of usual putme, it means that the primary list will be based on utme score and this first list will come directly from Jamb via school while other subsequent lists (supplementary lists) will come directly from school via Jamb. Note the difference here.
Now this is what will happen:
- First of all, screening cutoff mark will be reduced to favour good number of aspirants so that much people will take part in the screening in which ever form it will be either via oral or usual putme.
- School will increase the admission cutoff mark after the screening and as a result of this, only few people will be admitted in the primary list which school will send to Jamb for verification and there is a reason for that.
- After the release of primary list, a good number of aspirants that will be cutoff from the primary list will definitely go for supplementary admission where only those who will purchase the supplementary form will be eligible to be enrolled in the subsequent supplementary lists.
NOTE: Whether there will be oral putme or usual putme, there must be supplementary admission which involves supplementary form.
One of the reasons why government tends to stop universities from conducting normal putme as usual is because of extra excess charges some universities attach to putme. Which ever way the screening goes, universities will still make that money they make during usual putme. Last year august, government brought out what was called single treasury account.
A directive given by the Federal Government that all Federal accounts should be linked to ONE account via Central Bank Of Nigeria (CBN), so all Federal establiished institutions, companies, business, etc...so long its onwed by the Federal Government will then have one account linked to their various accounts and all payment be made to Federal Government account directly.
Some institutions found a way to avoid that, hence UNN sold her supplementary form through bank draft. There will always be a way around things so long Nigeria is concerned.
- One advantage of this new system of putme is that the "magomago" which some universities do during putme will reduce but same "magomago" will increase during supplementary admissions. As we know, supplementary lists make up nearly 80% of the admission lists.
- People that have what it takes to do the "magomago" will get what they want in the supplementary admission lists even if they perform very poor in the oral screening or putme.
In summary, if oral putme is implemented instead of usual putme:
- Many institutions will cut 180 for the screening.
- Only few will be admitted in the primary list.
- Many will be admitted in the supplementary list because that will be the only option for many that will be cutoff from the primary list.
- There may be increase in the amount of supplementary form by some institutions.
- There will be more rooms for sorting of admission as it is used to be.
My advice is for everybody to read harder, be prepared to do what you can do and also expect whatever that comes out because there is "change"