Many candidates have been searching online for information on how to upgrade JAMB result. The question is, is upgrading of UTME result even possible? Many individuals are parading themselves online as JAMB officials promising to help candidates who have low scores in the JAMB UTME to upgrade their results. They will tell you they have the power to change your score to 200 and 250.
They will even go as far as showing you screenshots of results that they claim to have upgraded. Those photos are nothing real. They are edited pictures of candidates’ results they got online. The truth is that these people are nothing but desperate and unscrupulous fraudsters who just want to defraud you of your hard-earned money.
These people also share fake testimonies like the one below claiming they met Mr …… who helped them in upgrading their JAMB Results and ask you to contact the person to upgrade yours as well. Please do not fall a victim to this. It is just one of their gimmicks to make you believe they are real but, it’s all fake. Many of you must have come across similar messages on Facebook, websites and other online platforms. They are not true. Don’t fall for it.
The truth is, the upgrading of JAMB result is not possible. Anybody promising you that, is a scammer. Do not waste your money trying to see if the JAMB result upgrade is true or not. If you fall victim to it, you have yourself to blame.
What To Do Instead Of Looking For How To Upgrade JAMB Result
For you to be seeking to upgrade your JAMB score only means that you have a low UTME score or did not meet the JAMB cut-off mark for your desired course or institution. A low sore most times does not automatically mean that you cannot gain admission. Below are options to consider;
- Consider changing your course or institutions: If you score below the cut-off mark for your desired course or institution, you can change to another institution or a course that can accept your score. Many universities Accept between 160 to 180. While many polytechnics and colleges of education accept as low as 100 as cut-off mark.
- Consider other Admission Options: If the 1st option fails, possible, consider predegree programme , A’level programmes or other options that give you a university admission without JAMB.
- Try Again: That you failed this year’s JAMB exam does mean in any way that you are a failure. You can try next time and nail it better.
Don’t make yourself a victim UTME result upgrading. You have been advised!