The Tragic Accident Involving JAMBites At Awka: A Student's Eye-witness Report

The Tragic Accident Involving JAMBites At Awka: A Student's Eye-witness Report

It was between the hours of 4 and 5pm on Friday,the 26th of April,2013 that a truck whose brake had unfortunately failed ram into the very popular UNIZIK TEMP-SITE in Awka, Anambra state.

The truck which was carrying an unknown liquid according to the eye witness,headed straight into the TRACAS (Transport company of Anambra State) park splitting one of the bus into two halves and destroyed other buses awaiting passengers.

The site was an ugly one causing great devastation and mourning within the environment. Lives were lost as both old and young lost their lives. Road Safety and other bodies concerned were later seen at the location,according to an eye witness no one has being confirmed to be alive except for a male who escaped the incident with crushed foot.

So far so good,the Road Safety Commission have done some worth a good job as their response was almost on time,not as was excepted of the Nigerian Authorities.

The truck so far have not been recognized as at the time of this update. Many feared that some involved in the accident were jambites.

This update was according to a report given by an eye witness, who happened to be near the site of the accident.

Information might have been given about the number of those who were dead or injured and the company whose truck caused this tragic incident a day before the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination.

Report filed in by: Bhenehdikt, for SchoolGist.

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