Some few years ago, when I was in my early senior secondary school two, I enrolled for the General certificate examination along side my class mates and some street friends. I rarely knew what I was into and the joy inherent in me passing excellently.
I went to the center on every exam day averagely prepared but with full preparation to get some girls tripping. This went on till the end of the exam after which we await the result. It was a shock when I got to know I had only cleared two of my papers narrowly which happened to be Yoruba and Agric. What on earth would I have done with this two subject ? I cried anyway but it made no difference, no Gce official saw my cry not to talk of coming to my aid.
This is to tell you that you had better buckle up if you won't want to be disappointed at the sight of your result. The anger of this Gce was what made be battle waec ruthlessly. You might not have the chance of a trial attempt, infact there is no trial attempt, give every opportunity your best shot.
I really need to give this introduction so you can know its not a joking matter. The importance of your 0level is bigger than you think. Even if you decide not to further, it is a must for you to get it because certainly one day you will be asked to provide is somewhere.
" No 0level, No admission and No work! "
Don't be afraid, you can do it, we have records of people who did and had 9 straight A's. The secret is just what you need.
Below I will be giving some vital tips that will help you attain it and I will like you to read and digest carefully.
1. Know That Tomorrow Starts Now :
This is one important thing I have come to realize. Most of us talk about next week or next year like is a decade from now unknowing it has begun from now.
The journey of a thousand years they say begins with a step. The years might be long but each step you take brings you closer to your destination. Even though the exam seems to still be far away, you must know that preparation should start NOW!
Have this mindset, this is what will move you to doing your best.
2. Decide Your Fate :
You see, before we start talking about book reading or no book reading, some things needs to settle in your mind and part of them is what we are discussing.
You need to decide your fate before the exam, spell out what you want to score in each subject. You need to choose what you want to come out with. Sit down and plan, have a focus and a pursuit. Know why you are writting the exam and what you are coming out with not what you hope to come out with.
This will give you a target and a perspective to run by.
3. Spell Out What The Outcome Would Be if You Pass Or Fail :
These are little but crucial factors, they are things that will build your morah towards the exam.
You have to see what is at stake if you fail and part of which are
• An extra year,
• Inferiority among friends,
• Admission cancelled,
• Intimidation from parents or guidans,
• Waste of money and effort etc
But when you pass well,
• 0level is cleared and cleared for ever,
• You are free to put in for Jamb and be admitted,
• Guidance and parents will be proud of you,
• You become a good example to younger ones,
• Purpose of reading and spending money achieved, etc.
This are the things you must look into and be sure it will help.
4. Get The Right Text Books And Other Study Materials Intact :
Be watchful that I said " right text books " most students fail not because they did not read but because they used the wrong materials.
Every exam board has their recommended text books, if you can't lay your hands on them, then google them, get them at the book shop and make sure you exhaust every topic more the once.
5. Draw A Good Time Table :
Having gotten your text books and you know the amount of subject you are offering, get your timetable ready with the hope to covering the text books more than once.
Your time table is what will guide your reading pattern. Follow the time table strictly and don't let anything and I mean anything hinder you from reading at the exact time on your time table.
6. Solve Past Questions :
Let me give you this secret today, these examination boards rarely set new question, they draw questions from the past ones so if you are able to solve pass questions well, and get them sticked to your memory, you are good to go.
7. Don't Joke With Practicals :
If you are a science student or you offer biology or agric, never joke with practical classes if you don't want to get screwed.
8. Try Tutorial Centers :
What sometimes irritate me about this tutorial stuffs is the fact that most students don't go for learning at tutorial centers. All they go and do especially guys is what I call " let's go a-fishing " unknowing they are the one waec or jamb will latter fish out for carry over.
If you can be determined and focused on what you are going there for, you will learn a lot and get improved.
9. Consistency :
No matter how much you plan or determine, if you are not consistent, the dream will die by the road side.
You must be consistent, never miss a days target, make every day an avenue to work better. Quit wrong association, always read what is at stake if you fail to pass and you will see that you will get on well.
Don't be tired, fire on, be passionate and run with your head up focused on the crown of A parallel that lies ahead.
10. Pray :
With man, it might be difficult but with God, all things are possible. God can turn your nonsense to sense. When you depend on God, your excellence is assured.
When you submit your paper to the examiner, only God can take it up so the rule is
" Do your best, Attempt the rest And Submit to God " because God cannot fail you.
But remember, Faith without Work is What ?
And God Says He shall bless the work of your ......(Not to just sit and expect miracles) no magic anywhere o. Lol.
Written By: Kayode Emmanuel
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