JAMB has expressed deep concern over the inclination and eagerness of certain individuals to engage in mischief for the purpose of achieving narrow and selfish interest by peddling faslehood and Halftruths. This is in reaction by the Board to the misleading and widely-circulated social media publication that one Atung Gerald with a score of 380 is the highest scorer in the 2023 UTME. According to the board, the so called publication is far from the truth. The Board also expressed dismay at the level in which poorly-researched and very sensitive issues are being circulated in the public space even by people who should know better.
For instance, a careful study of the so-called UTME registration number of the said candidate would have shown that the people or groups pushing this fake narrative are patent carriers of fake news as the registration number could readily be seen that it is a non existence registration number given its false features. In view of the foregoing, the Board urges all to always cross-check their facts before going public as a particular supposedly 'hot' news item might turn to be a red herring.
The Board also noted that the socalled reward expected to be handed over to the owner of the phantom score is nothing but a figment of the fecund imagination of the writer as it had never for any reason directl y rewarded or recognized any highest-scoring or lowest-scoring candidate. This is, however, not to say that, the Board, in the course of conversations at some strategic events, has not had cause, at times, to release its ten highest UTME scorers to buttress some salient points especially when issues of what constitutes highest scores which included candidates O'level and institution's screening scores are explained.
Such had never been about directly honouring or rewarding such candidates. It would be recalled that a decade ago, Cowbell had instituted an award for the highest scorers, as noble as that policy was, it was , to all intents and purposes, a private sector initiative. Therefore, the Board finds it rather unfortunate for some obscure writers to bring up random names of people from certain parts of the country just to create negative impressions in the minds of those who might not know. As such, to set the records straight, the Board disclosed that it had, no record of any candidate who scored 380. The Board, as a responsive agency, will continue to be guided by the spirit of patriotism as it consciously takes those s teps aimed at upholding national ethics and values while implementing those policies aimed at checking abuses and protecting the rights of Nigerians. Hence, the Board will continue to strive to give the nation its best and would not be deterred by those who do not wish her well.