Now in its 27th year, The Drucker Prize (formerly known as the Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation) continues to recognize the organization that best exemplifies Peter Drucker’s definition of innovation: “change that creates a new dimension of performance.”
Beyond the cash award, The Drucker Prize offers nonprofits a host of practical insights to help them become more innovative and more effective. Indeed, The Drucker Prize’s resource-rich learning platform blends the timeless wisdom of Peter Drucker with the thinking of some of today’s brightest management minds. Their original content is open first to each year’s 50 semifinalists. Leaders of these organizations get to dive into specially designed mini-courses covering key aspects of innovation and nonprofit performance.
The Drucker Prize Eligibility.
- Open to innovative non-profit organisations around the world.
The Drucker Prize Benefits.
- One organization will win the $100,000, while everyone who applies will get something just as valuable: powerful new tools for effectiveness.
How to Submit Entries for The Drucker Prize.
There are three rounds of application:
- Round 1: You tell the organizers about your organization, and they give you the Drucker basics
- Round 2: Your senior leaders learn from the experts and then imagine the organization’s future
- Round 3: They announce the winner on October 1. Winner gets $100,000 cash prize on October 29 in Claremont!
The 2019 Drucker Prize application is now open and will close on Tuesday, April 30th.
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