JR Biotek Foundation (JRBF) is offering a fully funded scholarship to PhD students studying in Africa to attend the JRBF Scientific Laboratory Training Workshop to be held at the University of Cambridge, UK from 27th March to 5th April 2017.
JRBF seeks to help countries build the required human capacity for advancing scientific research and innovation so as to strengthen Africa’s bio-economy and improve millions of lives in the continent.

- Applicants must be a PhD student studying in an African university/institution and currently undertaking research in the field of agriculture.
- Applicants must have proven intellectual and leadership abilities
- Applicants must have the knowledge and technical expertise in the field of agricultural research in their home institution.
Application Process
The mode of application is online. Applicants should visit this LINK to apply.
Note that applications are accompanied with the following questions (200 max word).
i) Briefly state why you wish to participate in the upcoming training program at the University of Cambridge.
ii) Tell us about your current research and how the training workshop in Cambridge will contribute to your education and career goals.
iii) What type of laboratory techniques have you used and which techniques are you most interested to learn? Please tell us why?
iv) Do you currently have teaching responsibilities in your home institution?
If yes, which subject and what level of students do you teach (e.g. undergraduate, postgraduate, etc.)?
v) What are the major challenges you are facing in your current research/teaching position in your institution and country, and what are your proposed solutions?
vi) The training cost per participant is £1,000. Please tell us how you intend paying for the course (e.g. will your institution sponsor you or will you be self-funded?).
Application Deadline
The application deadline for this scholarship is 16th SEPTEMBER 2016
For more information visit the Scholarship Webpage