The Senate, at its emergency meeting held on Monday. 17th October,2022 reviewed the academic timetable and resolved as follows;
1. 17th October,2022 - Lectures commences
2. 19th-20th October,2022 - Orientation Programmes (for new students)
3. 21st October,2022 - Matriculation Ceremony
4. 31st October-4th November, 2022 - Continuous Assessment (CA) 10OL- 300L
5. 7th -30th November, 2022 - Examinations (100L-300L)
6. 28th -30th November, 2022 - Continuous Assessment (400L)
7. 28th-30th November, 2022 - Examinations (400L)
8. 5th December, 2022 - Second Semester Commences
Please be guided
Dapo Oke, fcia
Ag. Registrar