TASUED notice on Teaching Practice orientation

TASUED notice on Teaching Practice orientation

This is to inform All students proceeding on Teaching Practice in the 2023/2024 academic session to, as a matter of importance and urgency, do the following:

  1. Proceed to listen and watch the e-orientation videos on YouTube by clicking the link https://youtu.be/-mjn5JTHWmQhttps://youtu.be/1aNxHYf0Cuc in their portals.
  2. Must post a comment (reaction) after listening to the two sessions adding their details (name, matriculation number, course and college). There’s a sanction for any student who fails to do this.
  3. All student-teachers are also to COMPULSORILY report to their respective schools of posting before schools vacate for the term this week.

NB: TP posting closes 12am Friday, 29th December, 2023. Any student that doesn’t register and secure a posting before the deadline, will have to wait for the 2024/2025 TP exercise.
Be so guided!

Prof. A. O. Adeogun
Chairman, UTPB.

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