TASUED Matriculation Ceremony 2014/2015 Announced

TASUED Matriculation Ceremony 2014/2015 Announced

Notice is hereby given that 2014/2015 matriculation ceremony for fresh students will take place as scheduled below:

Date: 25th February, 2015

Time: 11:00 a.m.

Venue: University Auditorium

All matriculating students are expected to be seated in the hall by 10.00a.m. and robed in their academic gowns. In view of the above all matriculating students are directed to obtain their gowns from the respective College Officers from Tuesday 24th February, 2015 on the presentation of the following documents:

A copy of the Admissions Clearance certificate

Official receipt of tuition fees 2014/2015 session

A copy of the Course Registration form for 2014/2015

Furthermore, Matriculants are to return academic gowns to their College Officers on or before Tuesday 3rd March, 2015 unfailingly. Please be reminded that failure to comply with this directive will attract a penalty of N500.00 on each defaulting day.

Please be guided accordingly.

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