This is to inform all prospective NCE III students,that the Management has magnanimously decided to mobilize all NCE III students for the TP exercise irrespective of the issues that some candidates maybe having. However, the following must be noted:
1. All fees must be paid with evidence before being qualified for Introduction letter.
2. The TP portal for schools to be posted to, will be active and available online from Monday 9th January 2023.
3. All Students with T.P and courses carry over are to report to the School of Education or Students Affairs for registration,so as to be considered for a nearby posting,as they are expected to attend lectures of their carry over courses and T.P.
4. The TP orientation for NCE III is a compulsory requirement for Posting and has been rescheduled from 11th/12th to Wednesday 18th January 2023.
Pls be guided.
Shabi A Gilbert
Ag:Dean Students Affairs.