All academic staff of the Tai Solarin College of Education have been directed to ensure they resume lectures strictly following the second semester time table as released.
All lecturers are to conduct Continuous Assessment tests in their first lectures and forward a copy of the attendance list immediately to the office of the Deputy Provost.
The scores of the test are to be collated and forwarded to the office of the Provost
These scores must reflect in the final grading at the end of the semester.
The College is running a very tight schedule in the second semester because of disruptions from Covid-19 and recent protests. The College cannot afford to lose one day of lectures, especially from deliberate absenteeism. .
Please ensure that you are back in the classroom by Monday November 2, 2020 at 8.00am or as your time table prescribes.
Please inform your colleagues of this important development.
C. J. Okoye
Head, College Library
Friday October 30, 2020