Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) Award 2023

Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) Award 2023

The Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) is an informal multi-stakeholder group of Swiss institutions and private individuals interested in agricultural research for development (ARD). Members come from research institutions, NGOs, the private sector, farmers' organisations and public agencies, as well as individuals. The goals and objectives of SFIAR are:

a) Sharing information between ARD stakeholders in Switzerland

b) Promoting the visibility of Swiss ARD

c) Playing an advocacy role at policy level

d) Serving as a national partner in international initiatives

e) Promoting collaboration between actors in Swiss ARD

About Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR)

The SFIAR network is a continuation of the Swiss Platform on International Agricultural Research, which was launched at the ministerial conference on international agricultural research in Lucerne in 1995.

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Application Deadline12 Jul 2023
Country to studySwitzerland
SponsorSwiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR)
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Award

In line with its objectives, the SFIAR runs the annual SFIAR Award. With this award the SFIAR pursues the following main aims:

a) Support relevant agricultural research for development

b) Promote knowledge on and visibility of Swiss ARD

Requirements for Award Qualification

Eligible for the SFIAR Award is research that

  • Is within the thematic scope (see ARD definition above)
  • Has been completed preferably no longer than three years ago, or is ongoing with recent achievements/milestones (for Master’s Thesis Award: master’s thesis submitted not longer than 24 months ago)
  • Has been carried out at or in close collaboration with a Swiss institution
  • Has involved partners (institutions and/or individuals) located in developing countries
  • covers at least one of the following characteristics:
    • Partnership, outreach to the farm level, output and impact
    • Product development (or steps thereof)
    • Tool or instrument that can be applied in the local context

Interview date, Process and Venue for Award


A selection committee of at least three SFIAR experts will review the submissions (based on the 2 pages research summary only) and select the best proposal. If four or less submissions are received, the committee may decide not to make an award that year. The SFIAR members endorse the recommendation by the selection committee, if they do not have a valid challenge. The main selection criteria are:

a) research quality

b) demonstration of potential for development impact

c) compliance with criteria defined under "Scope"

d) presentation

Application Deadline

July 12, 2023

How to Apply

Applicants have to fill in the attached application form and provide the research summary (maximum 2 pages including illustrations) and the other documents mentioned on the form in English, French or German. Applications that do not meet the formal requirements will not be considered. The deadline for applications is 12 July 2023

For more details, visit SFIAR website.

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