It has been a burden on me to write on this topic for a long time and thank God the time is here.
The Influence of friends has really done great harm to some peoples destiny and brought it to a state of no repair while it has been the other way round in some cases.
The influence of the friend you move with on you can either be positive or negative and be informed that some influence can be reversed while some will become permanent.
I will be using an illustration coined out of my personal experience to buttress this.
I happened to have a friend some years back whom we both criticised cultism together. We even make jest of them and made up our mind never to join.
Not long this friend of mine was admitted to an higher institution of learning and on his arrival after one of two semesters, he started canvassing me to join up with a cult group to which he belongs.
I was surprised and confused on how possible this could be. Sincerely, considering the way he analysed it for me, if I wasn't decisive(able to take my ground), I would have joined up. That is what peer pressure can do, especially when they keep bringing it to you regularly.
There are situations you can't shy away from, you can't because you are been pressurised to do something bad by friends decide to leave home. There are ways to handle it.
So many people has been kept in tight corners with confusion due to pressure from friends. So many peope has done what they never intend doing because they were unable to take their stand.
Take it or you leave it, nobody.....click here to read more