In line with Akwa Ibom State Government directives on reopening of Schools after COVID-19 lockdown, Management hereby announce the resumption for Second (2nd) Semester 2019/2020 Academic Session as follows:-
1. Resumption, Registration of Courses and Commencement of Lectures.
Monday, October 5, 2020, (See the Summary of 2019/2020 Academic Calendar for details).
More so, Management also wishes to advice both Staff and Students to “stay safe” by observing all the necessary guidelines/instructions as provided by World Health Organization (WHO)/Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), aim at preventing Community transmission of the novel Corona Virus Disease Pandemic, (COVID-19) as follows:-
1. Regular washing of hands with soap under running water.
2. Use alcohol base hand Sanitizers.
3. Use nose/mouth cover or mask.
4. Use face shield.
5. Observe physical distancing or social distancing.
6. Avoid Crowded places.
7. Avoid touching of eyes, mouth and nose when your hands are not clean.
8. Avoid shaking of hands.
9. Sneeze or cough into your bended elbow or use tissue paper and trash it immediately.
10. Report any case of fever, dry cough, malaria and difficulty in breathing to the Management immediately.
Note: (1) Students are advised to pay the required tuition and other fees at the designated Banks before returning to School, as the “Policy of No fees, No Lectures remain sacrosanct.
(2.) Students are to be committed to their studies on resumption.
(3) Late payment of fees and late resumption shall attract penalty.
You are required to adhere strictly to these directives and act accordingly.
Thank you.
Mr. Ebong Umoh
Ag. Registrar.