The much awaited 3rd Edition of Unilever Nigeria's IdeaTrophy competition for university students is here!
This year's competition is powered by Rexona - the latest and hottest deodorant in the market, and promises to be very exciting with loads of wonderful prizes to be won. Prizes include Samsung Galaxy Tabs, Samsung and Blackberry Mobile phones, DSTV Walkas and lots more.
The Winning Team also stands a chance to represent Nigeria at the Unilever Global Future Leaders League competition taking place in Singapore.
To win, students of the same university must form a Team of 3 and submit a creative business idea on the IdeaTrophy website: www.ideatrophyng.com
For bonus points, teams can also create and upload an innovative ad for Rexona on YouTube. Also, Top 3 Videos with the highest number of "likes" win automatic prizes.
For more details on participating and winning, visit www.ideatrophyng.com or Join IdeaTrophy Facebook Page
Submission Deadline is Friday, 15th August 2014. This could be your chance to win and shine, Don't miss out!!!