Strike Paralyses Academic Activities in RSUST

Strike Paralyses Academic Activities in RSUST

The strike embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, Rivers State University of Science and Technology chapter, has paralysed academic activities at the institution.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that lecturers in the university embarked on the strike to protest alleged refusal of the State Government to rescind its decision on the re-appointment of Prof. Barineme Fakae as Vice Chancellor of the university.

The union claimed that there was pressure on Gov. Chibuike Amaechi to circumvent due process in the appointment of the vice chancellor.

The union had earlier recommended that Amaechi should appoint a vice chancellor from the best three candidates who emerged during the screening exercise.

A SchoolGist correspondent who visited the university reports that academic activities had been halted with students loitering around the campus.

Some students who spoke to SchoolGist agents, decried the spate of strikes by the lecturers.

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