The federal government has withdrawn its order directing vice-chancellors, pro-chancellors, and governing councils members of various universities to re-open federal universities in the country.
The new order was contained in a circular tagged NUC/ES/138/Vol.64/136, and signed by the Director, Finance and Account of the NUC, Sam Onazi.
The NUC, however, did not give reasons for the withdrawal.
It reads;
“I have been directed to withdraw the NUC Circular Ref: NUC/ES/138/Vol.64/135, and dated September 23, 2022 on the above
subject.“Consequently, the said circular stands withdrawn. All pro-chancellors and chairmen of governing councils, as well as vice-chancellors of federal universities are to please note. Further development and information would be communicated to all relevant stakeholders.
“Please accept the assurances of the Executive Secretary’s warmest regards”