Stop Encouraging Admission Discrimination In Schools Educationist

Stop Encouraging Admission Discrimination In Schools –Educationist

Head of Administration and Academy at the Role Model School, Kubwa, Abuja, Zachariah Shekwoni, has warned against religious and ethnic discrimination in schools. Such bias, he said, was unhealthy and could cause distrust among youngsters.

He stated this during the school’s Community Week programme, which is part of the school’s corporate social responsibility.

He said, “We do not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity or religion.

“We call on schools which restrict qualified pupils from being enrolled for academic activities on the basis of religion to desist from doing so, as it will plant seeds of discord among the people.”

The school’s director, Hajia Abubakar Idris, said the programme was part of efforts “aimed at creating good neighbourliness among members of the public.”

She said, “We are celebrating our neighbours that live within us, as part of the teachings of the holy Prophet Muhammed and to foster unity among us, knowing that we are mandated to be our brothers’ keeper.

“We also used the avenue to pay a visit to the orphanage and to give them our moral support. We also visited the management, staff and pupils of Kubwa General Hospital.”

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