Statism: Again in 2014, FUTO Students Missed their rightful SUG President!

Statism: Again in 2014, FUTO Students Missed their rightful SUG President!

Gradually, the hidden truth that a Non-Imolite cannot contest and win the post of SUG President at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO), is coming to public awareness. Yesterday, February 6th, 2014, the student community at FUTO were greeted with another shock that might have thrown them into choosing the wrong man to lead them for the next 365 days!

Poised with anger for having been screened and disqualified to contest for no just cause, the "Loser", Uchenna Okezie, writes to appreciate his supporters, express his rejection by the school unwelcome culture and the management's tribalistic and adherence to promoting statism, he presented his speech as thus and we quote:

"Let me begin by expressing my overwhelming gratitude to you all my friends and supporters during the course of my campaign for the post of SUG presidency in FUTO. I thank you for believing in me, loving me, praying for and going beyond your limits to campaign for me. I am indeed indebted to you all.

Secondly, I must apologize for disappointing you all. It was supposed to be my duty to ensure that I was allowed to contest in the elections, and your help would have assured me of victory at the polls. You, my friends, played your part very well and from public opinion, I was clearly the preferred candidate. Once again, I say thank you. It was me, however, who appear to not have done my homework well. My name was removed from the list of aspirants. I am sorry that many of you had to endure many inconveniences for my sake. Some had to spend an extra week in school despite the financial challenges, some lost friendships, created enemies, spent their resources, time and money, and made so many other sacrifices all because of your love for our Union and your firm belief in me. I sincerely apologize.

I must acknowledge also that our efforts were not in any way fruitless. Despite my relatively belated declaration, the number of supporters I seemed to have attracted was impressively grand. Our efforts were not wasted because we have shown all observers that Nigerian students are hungry for positive change. Posterity will always make reference to our struggle.

The question I feel obliged to answer is why I was screened out. Due to my limited knowledge as a human being, I cannot say for certain what exactly led to my exclusion from the race. I do know, however, that I was certified to be academically and morally qualified to contest by both the ISEC and the Security. I am aware also that I ceased to be an indigene of Imo state when Abia state was created in August 1991. The most reasonable explanation I have been given so far is that a Nigerian student cannot become the students union president in a Federal university unless he hails from the state of location of the institution. But like I stated earlier, no official reason has yet be given for my exclusion.

The elections having come to an end now, I wish to use this opportunity to publicly congratulate Comr. Chimezie Wisdom, a friend of mine, on his victory today. I felicitate also with all the other officials who emerged today-

Vice President: Portia Ozekhome
Secretary Gen: Okenwa Michael
PRO: Nwaigwe Chidozie
FIN SEC: Offor Collins O.
Dir of Welfare: Eleribe Chidiadi
Treasurer:Okata Oluchi Linda
Transport: Ikem Promise
Socials: ibe Franklin
Asst. Sec: Nwadike Joy
Sports:Ekeji Osinachi

I wish you all a fruitful year in office.

This post is getting too long so I need to conclude.

Finally, I beg you all my supporters to cheer up and accept the election results. All we pray for always is that the will of God be done. We ought also to dispose ourselves to accept His will at all times. I had to plead with three different groups today to not start a demonstration in school and disrupt the elections. Please, be calm. Yes I am a revolutionary, but revolution is not a destructive tendency. It is rather a reaction aimed at turning what used to be to what ought to be. God has better plans.

Thank you for your patience in reading this post. May the name of the Lord be blessed both now and forever.

Long live Comr. Chimezie Wisdom!
Long live FUTO SUG!
Long live NIGERIA!

Uchenna J. Okezie"

Nigerian students, what is bad is BAD, imagine this act of statism in the politics of a Federal University where all citizens ought to have equal rights.

Imagine also that this boy they have refused to run might have been the best fit for this position, every FUTOite knows that.

Now the student community lost their choice just because he is not from Imo state.

What do you have to say to this ugly trend at FUTO? Add a say and share this post. Say NO to tribalism, say NO to statism!!!

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