This is to inform all candidates who applied for
the 2014 Shell Production and Development Company (SPDC) Scholarship that the list of candidates for the exam has been released and exam date scheduled to hold on 13th December, 2014.
All Candidates who applied for the scholarship should check their email for the invitation emails in their inbox.
Below is a sample of the e-mail sent to invited candiadtes;
Further to your application for the 2013/2014 Shell Petroleum Development Company Joint Venture University Scholarship Award, you have been invited for an Aptitude Test to be held on:
Date: Saturday 13 December, 2014.
Venue: Command Day Secondary School,
Abakpa Military Canonment, Enugu
Accreditation Time: 7.30am – 9.45am prompt
Aptitude Test Time: 10.00am prompt
This test will be administered via paper and pencil (PPT).
You are requested to come along with the following:
1. Valid Student University ID-Card (and National ID-Card, or valid Driver’s License if owned).
2. Photocopy of WASC / GCE ‘O’ Level / SSCE Statement of Result.
3. Photocopy of A’ Level / NCE / IJMB / Remedial Result (if applicable)
4. Photocopy of Notification of JAMB Result (if applicable)
5. Photocopy of JAMB or University Admission Letter.
6. Writing materials (including HB pencils and erasers)
7. A passport photograph (Please write out your full names with surname underlined at the back of your passport photograph).
8. And a print out of this email All these and your writing materials should be brought to the centre in a transparent file bag.
1. When you arrive, checks will be conducted for prohibited items at the gate of the test venue and entrance into the test hall.
2. When you are cleared from the gate, you are required be seated in the assigned class /hall, for accreditation, etc.
3. The test is timed, and will last approximately two hours.
4. Calculators are NOT allowed for this test.
• Candidates will not be reimbursed for transportation at the test location on the test day. However valid bank accounts held and provided by candidates shall be used for processing and payment at a later date.
Please note the account number provided MUST be in
your own name.
• All electronic devices, including Cell Phones, USBs, Cameras, bags (personal belongings), packages etc. are prohibited at the Test Centres.
Candidates who refuse to comply with instructions will not be allowed to take the test.
• Lastly, “Wallets, Loitering – (Early arrival /Late departure); and Arrival with friend /escort” are banned from Test Centres.
Candidates found attempting to cheat / beat the
system will be disqualified.