![[solved]#BrainTeasers: Top 11 Brain Teasers... How Many Can You Solve??? Part 1](https://schoolgist.ng/storage/postFiles/17547234768_bt2.png)
1. Tom is younger than Rose, but older than Will and Jack, in that order. Rose is younger than Susie, but older than Jack. Jack is younger than Jim. Susie is older than Rose, but younger than Jim. Jim is older than Tom. Who is the oldest?
2. If seven people meet each other and each shakes hands only once with each of the others, how many handshakes will there have been?
3. If you reverse the digits of my age, you have the age of my son. A year ago, I was twice his age. How old are we both now?
4. If Susan is 10, Arabella is 20, and Jim and Neal are both 5, but Richard is 10, how much is Jennifer by the same system?
Answers coming up soon....
So whats your answers???
Here ComeS The Answers
1. Jim
2. 21
3. Our ages now are seventy-three and thirty-seven.
4. Jennifer is fifteen, in a system that awards five for each syllable.
So there You Go....