Sequels to the Government's directives for re-opening of Schools in the state and recent move by the University management to resume Academic Activities, members are reminded that the ongoing nationwide strike Action embarked upon by ASUU is still on Members are therefore directed not to engage in any activity that will violet the strike action at this critical stage of our struggle that is aimed at protecting the nation's University system.
Members may also recall the resolution reached of our Congress meeting dated 07-10-2020 which we deliberated on the implication of our application for waiver to the possible resumption of academic activities. A letter has already been forwarded to the national leadership of our Union to that effect. While we await their response, it was resolved that
the Branch shall meet on Wednesday next week to deliberate on the response of national leadership on the matter and take a position
We have come a long way. Members are enjoyed to remain focused, resolute, and committed to the principles of our great Union Drastic steps are already underway to tackle the insensitive handling of ASUU's concerns and demands by Government.