Sokoto State University announces resumption of academic activities

Sokoto State University announces resumption of academic activities

This is to inform staff, students and the general public that senate, at its 16th special meeting held on 18th October,2022. considered and approved the revised undergraduate academic calendar for the continuation of second semester 2020/2021 Academic session, scheduled as follows;

1. 24th October to 3rd December, 2022

Continuation of lectures (6weeks)

2. 5th-22nd December,2022

Examinations (3weeks)

3. 27th December,2022 to 21st January,2023

Marking , Moderation and approval of results (4weeks)

4. 2021/2022 Academic session canceled due to the strike

5. 12th December to 21st January,2023

Registration of new students (Merged) 2022/2023 academic session (6weeks)

6. 23rd January,2023 

New session begins

This is for your information and compliance 

Thank you

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